Liebig collection (801 à 900)

Title FRTitle ENEditionConditionSanguinettiVDA54Unificato
Voyages d'il y a 100 ans et aujourd'huiTravel One Hundred Years Ago and NowBELAAAS0801VA473F0803
Ages de la vie (les)Stages of Life (Female)BELAAAS0802VA468F0770
(Canard (le)DucksBELAAAS0803VA496F0804
Anvers au moyen âgeAntwerp in the Middle AgesBELAAAS0804VA558F0805
Races de chiens (silhouettes)Dogs' HeadsFRAAAAS0805VB187F0806
Vues des capitalesCapital CitiesBELAAAS0806VA476F0807
Habitations rurales en EuropeEuropean Rustic DwellingsBELAAAS0807VA596F0808
Châteauxx historiquesHistoric CastlesBELAAAS0808VA602F0809
Vie au manoir (la)Life in a Feudal CastleBELAAAS0809VA564F0810
Coutumes populaires de l'IndeIndian CustomsBELAAAS0810VA571F0811
EmotionsThe EmotionsBELAAAS0812VA497F0813
Episodes de l'histoire de Belgique XIVEpisodes from Belgian History IBELAAAS0813VA598F0814
Episodes de l'histoire de Belgique XVIEpisodes from Belgian History IIBELAAAS0814VA599F0815
Factories de la Hansa (les)Merchants in Hanseatic TownsBELAAAS0815VA567F0816
Feu dans l'industrie art. (le)The Use of Fire in ArtsBELAAAS0816VA568F0817
Au JaponIn Japan IllBELAAAS0817VA597F0818
Guerre des deux rosesThe Wars of the RosesBELAAAS0818VA573F0821
(Intérieurs)House InteriorsBELAAAS0819VA572F0822
Bois industrielsTrees and their UsesBELAAAS0820VA577F0823
Lieux de dévotionPlaces of WorshipBELAAAS0821VA557F0824
Machines de guerre-antiquesAncient Weapons of WarFRAAACS0822VB188F0825
Machines de guerre-antiquesAncient Weapons of WarFRAAACS0822VB188F0825
Modes de transport au JaponModes of Transport in JapanBELAAAS0823VA603F0819
Migration des peuples (la)The Migration of PeopleBELAAAS0824VA604F0826
Modes fémininesFemale FashionsBELAAAS0825VA591F0827
(Moulins)Mills IBELAAAS0826VA477F0828
Noce de patriciensA Medieval Noble's Wedding ProcessionBELAAAS0827VA588F0829
Obéron (opéra de Weber)"0beron" (Opera)BELAAAS0829VA601F0831
Trouvère (le) (opéra de Verdi)"Trovatore" (Opera)BELAAAS0830VA579F0842
Ordres accessibles aux femmesOrders of Chivalry Open to WomenBELAAAS0831VA570F0832
(Heure (l')ClocksBELAAAS0832VA585F0833
Au Panamain PanamaBELAAAS0833VA559F0834
Pêcheur et sa femmeThe Fisherman and his WifeBELAAAS0834VA569F0835
En RoumanieIn RoumaniaBELAAAS0837VA560F0837
Jours de la semaine (les)The Days of the WeekBELAAAS0839VA583F0820
Scènes d'EspagneScenes of life in Spain IIBELAAAS0840VA562F0798
(Histoire de France)History of France VIIFRAAAAS0841VB189F0840
Tde (le)(jadis et aujourd'hui)Theatres Ancient and ModernBELAAAS0842VA584F0841
En AbyssinieIn AbyssiniaBELAAAS0843VA607F0843
Coiffures hollandaisesDutch HeaddressBELAAAS0844VA593F0844
Scènes d'AfriqueScenes of AfricaBELAAAS0845VA589F0863
AstronomesAstronomers IBELAAAS0846VA606F0845
Colosses célèbresFamous Colossi (Statues)BELAAAS0847VA600F0846
Conte de la mère Hollé (le)The Tale of Mother Holle (Fable)BELAAAS0851VA614F0786
Aux IndesIn IndiaBELAAAS0853VA608F0851
Vues au MarocScenes of MoroccoBELAAAS0854VA609F0852
Vieille Hollande (la)Old HollandBELAAAS0857VA605F0855
Puits et fontainesWells and FountainsBELAAAS0862VA590F0859
Vie de Rembrandt (la)The Life of Rembrandt IBELAAAS0863VA622F0860
Enseignes et étendardsFlags, Colours and StandardsBELAAAS0873VA611F0872
Eau potable (l')Drinking WaterBELAAAS0876VA668F0875
Arbres fruitiersFruit TreesBELAAAS0878VA648F0877
Art chez les différ. peuples (l')Art of Different PeoplesBELAAAS0880VA753F0879
CactéesCacti IBELAAAS0882VA661F0881
Carnaval à différentes époques (le)Carnivals in Different AgesBELAAAS0883VA639F0882
Histoire du costume fémininHistory of Female DressBELAAAS0886VA660F0885
Electricité (l')ElectricityBELAAAS0889VA659F0889
Episodes de l'histoire de Belgique XIIIEpisodes from Belgian History IllBELAAAS0890VA646F0890
Fêtes populaires japonnaisesJapanese FestivalsBELAAAS0893VA669F0893
Foires et marchésFairs and MarketsBELAAAS0894VA652F0894
(Fleurs et libellules)Flowers and ButterfliesBELAAAS0896VA750F0896
Empereurs romainsRoman EmperorsBELAAAS0897VA673F0897
Inventions du XIX siècleInventions of the Nineteenth CenturyFRAAAAS0898VB191F0898